Psalmist with a camera

By jellyfox

Par Excellence!

Our little tree is doing its very, very best!!!

It attracted attention to itself when the late evening sun streamed through the buildings and highlighted its twisted branches. I recall the summer we moved in here and it was just magnificent in full bloom. It lasted all through those hot and dry summer months.....I think it knew just how much encouragement I needed!!

I can't wait for it to display all its glory again......It can't be too far away now!

Albert arrived back in school this a full on day for us both. The prognosis is not very good and he was 'suffering' from the probing he'd been we skipped double Arabic and had a great catch up time in the library!!

Tutored little Miss Emily who will be seven on Friday and wanted me to know excactly how to wrap her present for her!! She's a real character....needing to be seen to be believed.....but she too is doing her very very her roundabout way!

Also tutored her older sister in Grade 7 and she has decided she wants to be a forensic scientist.......please don't question why.....but it has something to do with her love of bones and bodies!!!!

My education complete....I returned home to a relatively quiet evening!

Happy Blipping Everyone!

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