Three years

It's three years since Molly/Amalarian's last blip, which she posted the day before she died. Apart from making her own amazing journal, she was an indefatigable and enthusiastic commenter. I still think of her when I notice a "six-over-six" window in Leith or am buying olive oil (always extra-virgin after reading that rant, Molly!). A year ago I collected up some links to blips that I thought she'd like - I just looked at them again and there are some crackers that I'd forgotten about, so do enjoy a click or three.

I hoped to get a photo of something brighter than this, but was defeated by working indoors most of the day and finding it overcast with a biting wind when I ventured outside. So I tried for a shot of the local urban wild-life - the white mound that you might mistake for a discarded duvet on top of some sticks is actually a swan asleep on her nest, presumably brooding eggs. They nested here a few years back, with some success if I remember rightly.

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