youngies journey

By youngie66

Drifting Away

Well that's how I felt after driving to Leeds and back today and then popping down to South Queensferry for another blip op as not much was on offer at work today although the highlight of the day if you can call it that was a blinding flash in front of me near Reston on my way back today as some poor Wood Pigeon doing some fancy flying had the misfortune to hit the two overhead wires that caused the poor thing to explode in front of my eyes in an instant which caused the overheads to trip as about 3 miles on near Grantshouse an East Coast Electric train had stopped as the power was out but they had reset the breakers and got power back so when I stopped at Dunbar station I phoned the signalman to tell him what had caused the outage and he would relay the information to the ECO at Cathcart, (Electric Control Officer) where they are incharge and monitor all the electric overheads in Scotland sadly the poor bird was oblitarated during his 25,000 volts flowing through his body that caused him to blow up anyway movie for the day and thankfully have caught up again with posting my blips is " Bird On A Wire 1990" Lol See Ya

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