
As my Montana Rubens is nearly passing her best
Chevalier (I think) has just appeared.
Sunshine, after all the rain I suppose.

I had lunch with my Bee-keeper friend today at our lovely Community Centre where the Natural History group of our local U3A were about to be given a talk on ..... 'bee-keeping' !! My friend is too young to be a member of The University of the Third Age; I'm well old enough, just not retired yet! but when I let slip to the Speaker from the Shropshire Beekeeping Association that my visitor for lunch was from the Cheshire Beekeeping Assoc. we were invited to have a preview of the observation hive and associated equipment involved with the talk which kept the eager audience waiting and me just a few minutes late getting back to work.

Running out of steam abit, glad its Friday tomorrow!

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