Happy Faces

For Friday.................... yippeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

A long work week now over thank goodness but I had another very pleasant interlude at lunchtime , a blipmeet with the very lovely Feather. The lunchhour went far too quickly, conversation was easy and ... BLIP reared its head a few times!

Mr T is happily ensconced up at the Gliding Club so at least I don't have to cook dinner for two and can relax for the rest of the evening. Master Chef Final here we come - Jack's my favourite, I liked Angela too, but she's gone.

ps Actually (word I seem to use alot!) I take my hat off to all of them in MC, a very daunting experience and they do brilliantly.

pps Blipmeets seem to bring together some very, very nice people!

ppps Off to cook dinner for one, Masterchef style, ha, ha!

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