
By pattons6

Hi! I can see you!

Well, last night I was up during the night. Mummy heard me coughing lots, so she came through to rub my back. I was so glad she was there, as I started being very sick. Mummy made a good save though and ended up wearing most of it but this meant my cot was fine as were my jammies. My cosy suit needed changed, my nursery floor needed cleaned, as did mummy's jammies and dressing gown. But compared to previous episodes this was a "small" clean up.

While mummy sorted out my nursery I got cosy in her bed. When she finally finished the cleaning I was sound asleep on her bed. So she put me in the cot in her room where I slept until her alarm went off.

I had a good day at my childminders. Playing with all my friends. Afterwards daddy picked me up to go home. I blinked and I was through my bath in my jammies before 5pm! He then dropped me, my brother and sister off at grandmas. My picked us up on her way home from work.

At bedtime I have everyone kisses and cuddles and went to bed with no fuss. Hopefully for the night with not midnight parties or moving cots or beds.

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