Feisty female

I just blipped one of these spunky cardinals a few days ago, but this one gets screen time today because she flew right down in front of me and landed on this branch. It was almost as if she was saying, "Blip me! Blip me!" So I did. I had gone down to the park to feed Rascaletta and was on my way back to the car in the near dark, so I felt fortunate to get this good a picture of her. Snow was falling and still is several hours later, but it isn't a heavy snow. It's the good kind that covers up the dirty stuff that was on the ground and makes everything look temporarily pristine again.

Today was a good day. I...
~Sang in the choir
~Was liturgist and helped serve Communion
~Attended a post-holiday potluck
~Enjoyed good conversation with friends I hadn't seen over the holidays
~Spent time feeding the deer and chatting with other deer feeders
~Watched some TV with Bob
...and so it is now time for bed.

Goodnight from the north coast of Ohio.
I hope your day has been a good one too.

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