In My World

By JoanneInOz

Mono Monday ~ Weather.

We all have the weather in our lives (obviously!) but when push comes to shove and you are asked to photograph it, for Mono Monday's weather themed challenge, hosted by Paladian, how exactly do you do so, unless it's snowing, or bucketing it down with rain?

We are currently amid a spell of beautiful weather here, cool nights, sunny days, cloudless blue skies (not so good if you want drama in your photos!) and today the temperature reached 26 degrees C....

Fortunately for me though, the overnight temps are around 15 - 16 degrees, so first thing this morning, the valley floor was all a'swirl with misty magic, just the thing for my Mono Monday photo. I think it's something to do with condensation, or some such thing, but don't quote me on that!

Thank you one and all for the lovely comments, hearts and stars left yesterday for my 730 blip day! I found Larry and Shilo flying together around the spotlight pages last night and they are still there now, nearly twenty-four hours later! What an amazing bunch of people you are....thank you so much!

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