
By Angelique


Today after I returned from work, Mr A and I took a trip out to Dunster in 'the beast'. We could have gone in his car but as the sun was shining, we decided on a treat.

Although Dunster was busy, we know the quiet places, away from the majority of tourists. It was beautiful and I took lots of photos, but I liked this one the best and I hope you do too.

We have eventually heard back from the estate agents, and although our viewer liked our house, she didn't like the position. Oh well, her loss, and she hasn't sold her house either and as it's in Langport (part of which was flooded), she might have difficulties.

Mr A still hunting down that next alusive contract, meanwhile I am enjoying having company and a coffee in bed each morning.

I hope all those who work have returned safely and those of you who dont have enjoyed a quieter time now that the rest of us have returned to the 'grindstone'.

Nearly bed time so thank you for dropping by, always appreciated and until we 'speak' again, stay in love with life! xxx

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