
12.8C with rain early on and again from mid afternoon. Light breeze.

Maeve the Deerhound and I went through to Arbroath harbour this morning once the rain went off. We had a wander round. A fisherman from one of the boats in for repair came over and had a chat as I was taking photos. His boat had been having some welding done and he was hoping it would dry up so he could get painting.

One the way home we stopped of at B&Q to get compost and a grow bag, which was of course the real reason for our visit to Arboath today.

After lunch Maeve and I had a walk down to the shore. The tide was in and the sea rougher than of late. The new fishing boat (I still don't know its name!) was moored close in to shore. There was no one on the beach.

I have installed the growbag in its spot at the back of the greenhouse and planted up the tomatoes with canes in place to support them as they grow. I also potted up the bush tomatoes in one litre pots, some Dwarf French Beans (some will stay in the greenhouse), and the Courgettes in the big pots I grow them in. The courgettes will stay in the greenhouse for a few days but will go outside soon.

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