The Colours of Winter

Today was a no activity day, unless you call riding around in Suzz and waiting for The Boss…activity…Well maybe it is but it was boring so it was largly a ZZZ catchup.
He…had a busy day what with social coffee morning and the afternoon setting up an iPad for a 92 year old friend who was dying to get her hands on one…errr hang on a bit…no she was not actually dying, maybe a bad choice of barks…just let’s say she was very enthusiastic and hugely impressed with 3 day delivery from the internet store.
The day was fine/wet/doubtful/unsure/cold/and now it is too dark to see but this was the scene right after the Café chucked them out as they wanted the big table for a lunch party, (they were going anyway) so The Boss gave the fruitphone an outing on the way home.
Winter willows are a grrreat colour and the sun was just deciding what to do as we drove past.
You kno it’s winter when The Boss puts chains in the bark of Suzz. Not actually to use them BUT there are inspections on the Crown Range Road sometimes to discourage tourists from warm countries driving an alpine pass in total ignorance.

The Boss is off to bike across Germany. Errr Well this will take place on The Bossess’s exercycle with his iPad playing video from a German bloke that did this and posted it on YouTube. I find it disappointing….No Dogs.

Zoom in...Mind the lake

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