
Queenstown, the tourist centre of NZ was suffering a shortage of volunteers to sit in this seat this morning. The Boss considered ME but I had already had one seating performance that got phoned to The Bossess and he said he preferred the isolated look of this without ME. I must confess I didn’t really care as this was ALL NEW (as they insist on saying on TV these days) territory and my filing system was on overload anyway.
We had come here well before Sparrows Flatulence “Cos Suzz was due for it’s yearly service and The Bossess was due to arrive on a jet Plane (rather than depart which makes a better song I recon) and The Boss was due to buy some headphone pads and ended buying complete headphones instead “cos they were cheaper and The Local Café was offering a Friday special that was highly suitable for dogs but was not fed to any that I knew. Mutter mutter…..
Oh and why was there no one sitting…Well the temperature was nothing to email about. It was also nothing to talk about. Actually it was in fact, so to bark…NOTHING…Err zero…Ziltch…Nada…and supplemented by a gentle breeze coming from a very large fridge that had carelessly been left open.
The Boss’s new headgear was pressed into (his head) service. BUT the faithful hound, always prepared and always good to go managed nicely thank you with winter mode CURLS. You just can’t beat em.
AND it was way warmer on the other side of the hill, lying in the sun on the lounge rug.

More emptyness?

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