
By katgirl

Off to Sleepaway Camp!

Bob is off to his greatest adventure so far - 2 weeks of sleepaway camp in Colorado. Not only does he get to escape the Phoenix heat (daily temperatures of 104F or 40C or more), he is attending the camp I would like to attend if I could. Each day, the campers are given a list of possibile activities, and they can choose to do whatever they like -Horseback riding, kayaking, riflery, archery, rock climbing, hiking, sports, arts and crafts, cooking (they have a professional chef), etc. There is even a backpacking trip (destination chosen by the kids). He needed lots of new clothing for camp that we did not have (namely warm things like long underwear, a new warm jacket & sweater that fit since he has grown), and good hiking boots. The only thing he seemed worried about missing is technology, as there are no electronic devices there at all. I have a feeling that he will be so busy, that he will barely miss his iPad and computer. It will be very Good for him to experience life beyond a screen. If he likes it, we told him he can stay for a second two weeks. What are the odds?

Do you see the Cleo photobomb over James' Shoulder? She wanted to go to camp, too.

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