Big Hill

By bighill

Inverness Beach.....

We decided it was time for an off we went mid morning to the west side of the island.....over to Mabau and Inverness area. It wasn't the most spectacular weather, kind of overcast but not extremely cold! so, after a lovely lunch in a little pub called The Mull we headed up the coast to the beach in Inverness that we have gone to many times before! I love this area, it is so wild and different every time we've gone there. And today we were not disappointed!
The beach was of course deserted....there was one hellova wind blowing and a definite bite to the air!!! But undaunted, we headed onto the beach. The first thing that caught my eye was this expanse of a weird kind of seafoam....which is what is the foreground of the was incredible! The sea was amazing, and wild and throwing up all this unbelievable foam! I must have taken about 70 or more pictures just of the foam.....and my fingers almost froze off my hands! but it was just so incredible watching the patterns that were created by the incoming waves and the foam!

I decided to Google 'seafoam' and got all kinds of weird scientific explanations but for me this image gives you a very clear idea of what real seafoam looks like.

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