No Static

By nostatic


1992 didn't feature quite as many key releases as 1991, in fact it's highly likely that I was still catching up on the goodness of 1991. Having said that choosing between The Lemonheads, Sonic Youth, Pavement, PJ Harvey and Spiritualized is not exactly an easy choice. I'm going to opt for Pavement though as they're a band who come close to being my all time favourite of all time, so much so that I DJ-ed and set entirely made up of Pavement tunes one night in the bar at the Cameo cinema.

I remember buying Slanted and Enchanted based on seeing a cool looking guy in HMV wearing a Pavement t-shirt. The vinyl was placed straight onto a C90 with Yerself is Steam on the other side and became the standard accompaniment as I trudged my way around my Sunday paper round. Nowadays Here would be my pick of the tracks, but back in the day it was definitely all about Perfume V.

It was a long time before I ever got to see Pavement live. An afternoon festival set at Glastonbury in 1997 (inbetween Symposium and Echobelly!) and then on the reunion tour in 2010. Neither of which were particularly great and I would have loved to have seen them at their shambolic best with Gary Young doing his crazy drummer routine.

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