Delights through the post

Last year I took part in a swap box project. I really enjoyed putting together a box of what I hoped would be delights for my swap partner and looked forward to getting a box from her in return. Which never came! I was, it's true, disappointed, but then, I knew there was no guarantee.

Yesterday I received not just one but three delights in the post. A charming fellow I met in a ticket queue at Hay sent me a copy of his book; a publisher send me a book for review, lovingly wrapped in tissue paper; and fellow-blipper creative lenna, who really is wonderfully creative, sent me some beautiful mail art. I'm glad to say that the postmen of the US and Britain had treated it with the respect it deserved. It is so special that I hesitated to take a knife to it to slit it open, but eventually did so, only to discover further delights inside!

What lovely people there are in the world!

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