
By Hamey


So an emergency blip today. The day started at 4am due to a little 4 legged creature requiring attention. It's cold wandering about the garden at that time hoping for some action (which never came!) wondering what and where I was!

I decided that in order to get some peace that it would be a good idea to finish the night on the sofa which is about 2' too short. So duvet collected and dog crate moved from kitchen little creature settled down whereas big creature did not!

At the best of times I don't do mornings and little sleep (crying eventually stopped at 12pm) the morning was not a good one.

However I recovered and playing resumed later on along with an introduction to a brush and about 3 minutes with a lead and treats. Both went OK and I firmly believe that a tiny bit each day is the best way to introduce these new experiences. I think she enjoyed both as treats were involved.

Oh the blip is the entrance to one of our neighbours fields which recently had the grass taken off but unlucky for A, the farmer, he did manage to bend the galvanised gate post. The tracks represent how I felt this morning.....dried out and worn out!

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