bucks life

By bucksmiss

What a day!

Yesterday a kindly lady knocked on my door and told me I'd left my lights on in the car. What I didn't realise til I tried to get into work today was that the battery had already died. Cue a fruitless attempt to find a neighbour with the right gear for a jump start and so an embarrassing RAC call out. Luckily they weren't busy and arrived within 20 minutes, which meant I actually got to work on time. Phew!

Had a BU meeting, the usual hot air and tried to catch up on stuff I hadn't had the energy to do while unwell. I was grateful for the air con today as it was very warm outside around 26C in the afternoon.

I then did some food shopping and got totally hot and bothered and had to immediately retreat to my room to change my bed and have a cool shower. I then emerged annoyingly still blooming hot to find that L had kindly mown the lawn and defrosted the freezer. Marvellous. To my shame, that freezer hasn't actually been defrosted since I bought it in 2008!

I watched a bit of the football, Spain losing and crashing out before England do. Surely whatever England do now, they'll still have done better than Spain so can hold their heads high.

My blip is of my growing garden and the thriving tomato plants in particular.

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