bucks life

By bucksmiss

It could all have been so different...

.... but I choose to experiment zooming in while taking a photo of my lemon thyme plant and this is the result, with the saturation pushed up a bit in post production. I like it, though it won't be to everyone's taste. I'm sure there's room for improvement but as this is the first time I've experimented with this kind of thing, I'm a happy bunny.

I dropped the car in to the garage first thing. In the end, I couldn't afford to get the air con condenser fixed this month (at £695!) so they just sorted out the sluggish acceleration and I parted with £242, or my credit card did. Eh well. It drives so much better now, at least I can tell they did something to it.

I had a rather frustrating working day with some of my work taking much longer than I'd thought. Plus a client asked me what happens if he withdraws from a contract at the last minute, something I rarely get asked and the answer is, it's going to be expensive, I hope this isn't your only option?!

I had the car valeted inside and out on the way home as it is now performing so nicely for me and spent a welcome 45 minutes in a pleasant Costa in the next door garden centre, which was good quiet time.

When I got home L asked if I'd drop him to the pub after dinner for the Uruguay v England match and as he's so helpful around the house and garden, I definitely owe him a few favours, so I did.

Then with the house to myself, I watched the football on silent and rang B and S to catch up on news and to let B know that C is pregnant again (though I was a little surprised (or maybe not on further reflection) that she hadn't already heard the news). I'm going to be an auntie again, in December. Hurrah!

L got back at 11pm full of beans and beer and rather strutting around the place as he'd been hit on three times in the pub. It was actually rather funny to watch as he's clearly quite chuffed about it and, though he's a very loyal type, he's certainly had his ego stroked. I had to laugh as I know these ladies haven't met his Mrs and if they had, they'd certainly leave him alone if they knew what was good for them!

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