Pixel Smiths

By pixelsmiths

Refuge de Cougourde

Up again early, well, 8.30 … because technically we wanted to get away early, to beat some possible thunderstorms in the afternoon. The destination today, Refuge de Cougourde, a 2 hour walk and around a 500m climb, to a hut where we’ll stay the night.

Got away finally for the campsite around 10.30, and at 11.30 we were on the trail, heading into the hills. The elevation was a bit lower that yesterday, so lots more forest walking initially which was great given the sunny and warm weather!

Yet another absolutely stunning walk, Trees, rivers, mountains, snow. Just really really amazing. Some of the most beautiful walking I have done. And pretty well 2 hours later we arrived, in a fantastic basin high in the mountains, with a most amazing refuge. 40 bed hut, with sheets and pillows etc, heating, meals, cold beer and wine, and showers. All for around 22 euros per night, we think, excluding meals.

Lunch, a game of cards, the dropping all the gear on our room and a good explore of the area. Ending up at 5pm, beside a river, with a towel and a bottle of wine. So of course a swim was in order, cold, after which a dry off and a lovely chilled bottle of rose. Wow, just amazing, all the mountains, the sun, the snow, the rivers. Just divine.

Back to the refuge as the cloud came in, and then diner at 7. 3 course meal. A soup, the duck l’orange, and blueberry rat, just amazing. And of course a little vin rouge to wash to it down, which we shared with an American couple.

Interestingly we discovered, the refuge us run by Club Alpin Francais who get all the money for the bed nights But the 3 people running the place run the restaurant and they make their money from the profits. One helicopter load per season comes in, 5 days ago, of wood and gas and food, then as they need in peak season they trek down the mountain, drive to Saint Martin, and carry everything back up. That means daily trips, carry 45kg per person, in 50 minutes. What a fitness program!

6 of us in the hut tonight, so pretty quiet, a good time to catch up on a few things (yes, I carried my computer into the mountains), some reading, and bed! Fabulous place in the mountains and a real experience.

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