It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

Not A UFO......

I was going to take an early morning shot today come what may as I'm dealing with a toothache and the thought of the dentists chair on Friday as an emergency appointment and quite honestly I couldn't be bothered to walk round the farmers field for over two hours this morning.

So went back to my favorite tree spot and tried the D7100 at Sunrises!

I could have blipped a UFO according to my two work colleagues!
They came racing back in from their 3 am fag break saying they had both seen a UFO hover over the car park with rainbow lights and a bright one at the front scanning the car park???
Yep your guess is as good as mine...They were adamant!

I said well next time can ya get em to wait so I can get my camera please?

They were not amused they had spent the rest of their break googling UFO sightings around here!!

I think there must have been something in those fags lol Although I'm normally a believer but ....maybe I'm getting skeptical in my old age ;-)

Who knows!

Anyway sorry to disappoint but instead of little green men you have the Sunrise.....Just one of our wonderful planetary features!

Draco The Alien Dragon xx

Oh my goodness!!!! Springwatch have emailed me on Flickr to ask if they can use this image as their photo of the day!! Im all excited ;-)))

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