Life with The Pinks

By suzypink

Fear; or conquering fear

A year or two ago Master Pink took exceptional dislike to things that were noisy; hand-dryers in public toilets, goats and sheep bleating, noisy exhausts and food mixers. He was really quite frightened by the first two as a toddler through to around five. Gradually though he has become more brave, and as photographed, and as reflected on by me, he is now happy to use a food mixer. He's also usually the one making the loud noises these days!!

Master Pink's spots are still infectious - just 3 or 4 - but it's not looking good for a return to school this week. Today we made chocolate cake, walked to the post box (at a quiet time of the day, so as not to need our bells to warn people away), and battled zombies, rescued Springfield and went to the playmobil swimming pool. He's ready to go back to school. His body is not.

Miss Pink had basket ball at school, went to the school bring & buy sale, and fell over and grazed her knee. "That was a bit sad."

And me; in between the above, I've done washing, ironing, cooking, cleaning and internet shopping. Written several birthday cards, wrapped a parcel, made several cups of tea, and been producing loom band bracelets like a small factory. Miss Pink has come home with a list of people she wants to give loom band bracelets to. Unfortunately she hasn't quite to grips with how to make the loom band bracelets.

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