It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

Dreaded Dentists Room.....

Today was my appointment at the dentist after my toothache last weekend. Thank goodness I can keep the tooth ...for the time being! I'm on antibiotics......So absolutely no alcohol ...which normally I don't drink but I am now on holiday for a week so time with Garri and my parents who are on their way down the country in the caravan to see us.

This is a new dentist for me so not a bad first meeting. I did ask for permission to take this photo but she asked If I could point the camera away from the computer screen and herself and the assistant. Not a problem...Blip sorted and in the bag!

So not even a Cactus Jacks to celebrate my week off ;-( Oh well at least I get to keep it!

This is still on the BBC website BBC Nature ;-)) You need to look on the right hand side now Natures Big Picture

How pleased am I this is here ;-))


Draco The Very Relieved I Still Have My Tooth Dragon xx ( I mean....whats a Dragon without teeth?)

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