horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Anth on the Run

I'm trying to work out if another three days of 'Bliptogether' shots from me would become a bit dull, or just see them get progressively odd... I've come over all Paul McCartney in this one. Pity, really, that I won't be able to make the event on Saturday - we're heading to Aviemore for the weekend to watch some dog-sledding, which will at least mean I should find a final fifth shot for Unstaged.

That's if I survive that long. After months of not really having any major problems riding to and from work everyone has come out to play recently. There was Mr BMW I linked to the other night (who also, it turns out, is a taxi driver), I've had all and sundry pulling out across me forcing the laying down of anchors, and even as a pedestrian, yesterday, some old bloke was determined he was going to drive throug the red light as I was crossing with the green man. He'd started to swerve to go round me he was going that fast.

Seemed annoyed that I pointed out he was in the wrong - which does, it's true, make people a little more defensive. So I'm told. Never being in the wrong myself. Ever.

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