Just lying around

Lucky shirt, it's just lying around doing nothing, having a good time in its own little way ... DS, on the other hand, has been tied up all week with the dastardly quarterly magazine and the nasty client who's been even more casual than usual in keeping to her own schedule. So I've been unable to get out in the nice weather we've been having recently, since I've needed to be on hand just in case magazine material happened to turn up. We were originally due to go to print last Friday, but now it's looking like Monday is the best we can possibly do. All very annoying and upsetting and frustrating.

At least I've been able to catch some of the play from Wimbledon, so it hasn't been a total loss. Tomorrow night I'm off to an Independence Day all-American concert at the National Concert Hall, which I'm looking forward to, even if it means having to play catch-up over the weekend to get the job back into line.

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