Newcastle Downunder

By jensphotos

Monomonday - Road

Street actually, Watt Street that is. It starts or finishes, depending on your viewpoint, at Wharf Rd where I am standing. The harbour is behind me and if you keep going, to the left the building is Customs House, once just that but now a pub and restaurant. It has the clock in the tower and a time ball. To the right is Newcastle station and the end of the rail road in more ways than one. The State Government has given the approval to rip up the lines back to Wickham and have the rail corridor developed for pedestrian ways, cafes etc which I think is a brilliant move and will bring more life into the city as the railway divides it and the harbour. The harbour side has come along in leaps and bounds but the other side of the tracks, particularly further west is in a very poor state. Development starts on Boxing day I believe. I can't wait.

There is also a depot for the buses this side of the station. Anyhoo, behind that is another pub, and then apartments and office buildings. The hospital used to be up on the left but that is now apartments and a hotel. Further up on the right hand side is the Red Cross blood bank and the Police. The end of Watt Street gives you views over Newcastle beach towards the Ocean baths and almost takes you to King Edward Park. Well, I think that's it in a nutshell. Thanks for Gingernan for hosting.

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