Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Un-Bliptogether :-(

Storm #4 hit our region today. As I type, now at 8:30 p.m., the wind is howling and the storm rages on. I didn't leave the house today, so I've missed my last opportunity to add one more photo into the Bliptogether parade. I was hoping to get a shot of granddaughter Ashly reaching out. She's always a good sport.

Instead of arms reaching out, we've got a pool filling up. Actually by now it is overflowing. A brief break in the storm provided this photo opportunity. It was truly brief. We had just stepped back in the house when the sky poured again. So there you have the view from here.

The Internet has been misbehaving here for the past 36+ hours, so I'm hoping that I'll be able to get this uploaded. It's been almost impossible to leave comments today. I'll try again tomorrow. Until then good night from a soggy and windy Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

P.S. I forgot to tell you, I ate the gingerbread man . . . first the feet, then the hands, the body, and the last sweet bite was the head. It was more than delicious. I'd do it all over again. I really do miss dessert.

P.P.S. Also, Mr. Fun says I reported it wrong yesterday, our friend George did not play in a band that opened for John Davidson, he played in John Davidson's band. Sorry George, I had it wrong. Then Mr. Fun told me that today he read my blip to George. When I asked what George said about it, Mr. Fun told me he couldn't remember, except that George liked it. Then Mr. Fun gave me these words of wisdom, "Guys talk about stuff and they don't remember it. Girls talk about stuff and they never forget it." So, now I know.

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