
By FredaH


Feet and legs very swollen and painful this morning. Ate some grapes and toast and had a coffee.

Two nurses called re my pressure sore and will visit every three days. They will supply special cream, a mattress and a cushion. Forgot to mention back of legs which must be kept raised. A couple of days this week my hands have been two different colours, (? some-sort of throw back to my embolism of a few weeks back ?).

Cc was concerned this morning that my fat feet, complete with blisters, were now accompanied by two enormously fat legs so a call was put through to my GP who arrived at lunch time. I had a very thorough examination including B.P and another blood test and learned that even water tablets can’t always clear away water from the lungs, abdomen and feet quickly enough. My kidney function was down last week so she will decide when she gets my blood test results whether she can increase my water tablets.

There’s the scan tomorrow evening now. but there’s O.J. Simpson on TV tonight!

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