A different way of playing the guitar

I've seen this guy a few times in the Royal Mile playing the guitar. What I like is the different way he has of playing it. And it sounds really good!

Last night I didn't stay for too long at my friend's birthday party because I was not feeling too well and I was working today. I had a great time though!

Work was really busy today. The weather didn't help. It was really muggy and it started to rain later on in the evening.

I'm feeling really tired. My leg is much better now and I'm starting to walk a bit faster, but I still get more tired than I used to.. maybe it's because after a month of not going to the gym, I'm losing a bit of fitness.

Back to work tomorrow for more "fun".

Thanks very much for all your nice comments on my street shot yesterday! I hope you're all enjoying your weekend! :)

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