Fragile Maple

I was thrilled you all enjoyed yesterday's Red Dawn, thank you so much for all of your lovely words, stars and fav, your such a kind bunch sending it to spotlight - feeling quite chuffed :))

A day where the sun shone and it was calm and warm, 23C, everyone round the neighbourhood were in their gardens. Lots of pruning of trees and roses and I was doing the same, although I'm not good at pruning its more of a kind of hack!

Then inside and I've finally caught up with our holiday backblips. I was hoping to link to flickr but I'm so far behind over there, perhaps I'll link at a later date.

I've had this maple leaf sitting by our phone on the kitchen bench for months waiting to be blipped, so today was the day but I preferred a mono look as the colours have aged while waiting.

If your interested, the holiday backblips are:

Butcher's Dam - Alexandra

The Remarkables - Queenstown

Rural Tarras

And another which was not holiday related
Sea Mist

Great to be all caught up again!

Happy Sunday everyone :)

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