In Padstow

In Padstow with 'Padstowbabe' & Nellie the gorgeous cocker spaniel.

I’ve taught Nellie to do loads of naughty things. Hee, hee, hee!!!

This is what happened……………………

We met 'Padstowbabe' & Nellie in Padstow this afternoon and Ann said she was going to BLIP us all outside the lifeboat station because we haven’t done any of our 'lifeboat stations & lighthouses project' for ages.

……………….Turns out, that what Ann thought was the lifeboat station, is actually the tourist information centre. According to ‘Padstowbabe’ the Padstow lifeboat station is about 5miles away and she was a bit worried that Ann was going to make us all go on a 10 mile hike. Ann needs to do a bit of googling tonight!

Instead we went on Nellie’s morning walk along the coast path and back along the beach.

Apparently Nellie just trots along the path in ‘good dog mode’.

This afternoon I have taught her 3 things:

1. If you see a path down to the beach, and the humans are sticking to the main route, it’s OK to go zooming off for a bit of a splish, splash, splosh in the sea. As long as you come back straight away. Humans have to be reassured that you know your way back to them.

2. Your nose is the most important thing for sniffing out water to wallow in. Even if you’re on a path with loads of vegetation on both sides you need to use your nose to sniff it out. Today I found a little stream for us to wallow in that Nellie didn’t even know was there. And she’s done the walk loads of times.

3. Humans like to be reassured at all times. Obviously us doggies like exploring new places. So if we go off, away from our owners, we have to resurface regularly so that they don’t think they’ve lost us.

I’m not sure that Padstowbabe liked what I taught Nellie today.

It will be interesting, when she goes on her walk tomorrow morning, to see if she has remembered what I’ve taught her?????

However, we can totally understand why 'Padstowbabe' loves Padstow.

We love Padstow too.

Thanks for a lovely afternoon. xxx

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