More Life of Sands

By sands


Today I am feeling a bit discombobulated/unsettled/out of sorts!

I think it's due to the fact that I've had a number of interviews over this last couple of weeks for a new job contract as my current contracts finish in early February and early March. Money is tight so I really need a new contract!

However, both companies I have had interviews with have indicated that they will be making offers this week. I know which one I would prefer but now I am just waiting for the offers and I just want to get the contract signed so I can feel settled again!

As such, I have also been rather remiss with my blips so please do look at my back-blips.....

15th Jan blip
16th Jan blip
17th Jan blip
19th Jan blip
20th Jan blip
21st Jan blip
23rd Jan blip
24th Jan blip

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