Jax and co.

By indusriver

after school sliding

..and the end of another school year! Although picking up at Sienna at 1pm didn't half throw me for the rest of the day - I was contemplating making dinner at 4pm since it felt like 6pm! With such beautiful weather it was great to get the slippy sliding thing out again, even if poor Sienna did find that adding dishwashing detergent to it was not the kindest thing for her sensitive skin!

Work was manic - new contracts won which is great, deadlines that are challenging not so. Then the eldest came back from her week in Amsterdam - full of teenage 'attitude' - the joys when they have been hanging out with their age group all day and night!

And that was that- can't believe I have no more infant school children in my family anymore - 10 years of infant plays I've watched...all finished, but it's been fab!

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