Family Matters

My youngest nephew, usually called JJ, for whom today was the very last day for ever and ever at Infant school as he will be moving up to join his brother and sister at the Junior school in September.

Dad's friend Inga, the 85 yr old dynamo, was visiting him at the Hospice all afternoon so I got a whole day's worth of household stuff done. Early evening and with my bro and the kids we went to see Dad before going to the Fox and Raven for dinner and outdoor activities where I took the photo and also drank my Ale for the day, which was, by mistake, the same as #2, - same pub, same brew, different day! ... oh well - at least the digits are the same. I'll just have to drink two different beers tomorrow then.

Ale in England #22 (and #2) Broadside (Adnams)

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