
Flowers in the Hospice garden - a daily source of serenity and joy for those in pain and sorrow.

Morning activities included completing the 'mitigating circumstances' application procedure to defer submission of my Masters Dissertation, officially due next week. Abandoned since early June since when I have had neither the physical nor emotional time nor energy to write. After working so hard for so long, it now seems so unimportant in the general scheme of things.

Yesterday I wasn't with Dad for very long, but long enough to understand that he was some place very far away, and not enjoying it. The 'Dynamo' told me she'd had him singing, so that, at least was good. She probably would have the entire hospice singing along if given half a chance. Anyway, today when I got there at 2.30 I could see he was calmer, more 'present' and able to respond. The doctor explained that they had now reduced the latest medication as once again, he had reacted - as he has every time they have administered some kind of opiate cocktail pain relief - by tripping off to la la land. They have to get the balance right. Over the next six hours he slowly came back to me and by the time I left at 8.30 he was dozing peacefully after a really good meal with a glass of beer ! I left the Classic FM radio Wednesday Concert (Mozart Piano Concerto No 21) playing by his bedside - enough to bring anyone tranquility at the end of a difficult day.

Gareth (bro) called for a beer and some time together at the end of the evening. Watching "Mock the Week" made us laugh. Satirical whimsical banter - love it.

Ale in England #23 Bombardier (Wells) Alc. 4.7% Vol

For the record: another searingly hot sunny day with occasional momentary cloud. Amazing @ 30+ºC in the garden.

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