a town called E.

By Eej

Three Three - Two

My plan was to make a Big Thing out of my assignment, but life is getting in the way of my love for theatrics. So, Day 2 of my Three Good Things, Three Days in a Row will be even shorter than Day One.

1. Going for a morning run and seeing 2 deer crossing the road in front of me. I don't think I'll ever get used to having wildlife almost in the backyard.

2. Squirrels. Squirrels rule so hard. Even when they fall out of trees and you realise that if you had been standing 6 feet to the left he could have landed on you. Because than you realise you love them so much that you'd happily break their fall. (I think he was okay, shaken but not broken. He ran up the fence and into the big tree in the back where he sat looking rather sorry for himself. Not a good day to be him, because earlier he had a hissy fit when he saw Recluse in the yard. I had to evict her to make him stop shaking his tail and yelling at her. It was adorable.)

3. Breaking - nay - shattering my sugar quota for the next six months. While this is not necessarily GOOD, I'm choosing to see this as a positive; I was out with friends, I was having a fantastic time and I had ice cream. And cheesecake-on-a-stick. And cotton candy.

P.S. This is a new boy. I know this because he was SO scared of first me, then the plank and then the peanuts on the plank that we spent at least half an hour just staring at each other, and then he crouched towards the sunflower seeds, belly flat on the plank. Which was also adorable.

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