The Miner's Museum.

We took a trip up to Glace Bay to visit theMiners Museum wow, what an experience that was! Unfortunately this is the best image i was able to get, cos it's really dark down there! This wonderful guy, Eric, who was a miner himself for over 30 years here, gave us the most amazing guided tour! Told us some very harrowing stories.....and had a sense of humor that was stellar!

The mines here on Cape Breton didn't close until 2001....which really surprised me, i thought mining coal had been done away with many more years ago than that!

A large percentage of the tour of the actual mines (about 45 minutes) was spent at a strange bent angle.....the height of the ceiling was only 42" at some points! We had hard hats on which was pretty essential cos many of us (me included) forgot to bend over far enough!

this image is of a replica of the many rats that infested the mines....apparently they were a good thing to have around!

I'm left with a very huge appreciation for the men that had to spend their 30 or more working years in such unbelievable conditions! We also got an interesting insight into the idea of the "Company Store" about was pretty horrendous!

Back home now, and the burgers are getting put on the BBQ and there is beer!

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