Pear shaped

Pear shaped is generally not a good thing. But pear shaped can be very beautiful too.

8 weeks on I finally have the roof report I should have had in week 1. It does have a pear shape to it but it isn't the end of the world. Hopefully it won't be too expensive and hopefully EQC will take some of it.

There are still a lot of things to happen and unravel. Water tends to travel a long way. But there is a start and the hope of an end in sight.

It all comes down to humans. As with all things in life I'm seeing the best and worst of humans. Some are definitely creaming everything they can get for minimal input. They should be deeply ashamed.

Others simply don't care. They too should be deeply ashamed. Still others have a heart and a conscience. In my case that is making a difference and I am hugely grateful for that one bloke.

Even if it costs me, 3 winters of leaks will come to an end and the damage will be addressed. Some of it is grey. Several thousand earthquakes will reveal weaknesses in construction. This is just the way it is and I want to move on.

There will come a time when it no longer matters and in the medium term when I sell, it will be a home in good nick with good bones and issues addressed with the evidence to prove it.

In the meantime it is still my little castle, there is still work to be done and an investment of time and money to be made.

Ultimately I will reconnect with home and feel and experience it as sanctuary again.

A day at a time.

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