Favourite Trees: Sequoia

I like trees and I thought it might be good to document some of my favourites - individual trees that mean something to me.

Over the years I've had relationships with several sequoias. The first was a tiny seedling I brought back from California which my late father in law planted in his garden. What kind of idiot plants a giant sequoia a few yards from their back door? What kind of idiot gives people giant sequoias as presents? My in laws are no longer with us but the tree is stil there. I check in on it every time Google Earth is updated (a Sequoia in a suburban garden is quite easy to spot :-) and looking at it towering over the roofline in Google Streetview makes me smile.
This Sequoia represents a dead neighbour. It was planted in an arboretum as a memorial by relatives and as you can see, it's not a happy tree. It never has been. But it is tenacious and it's clung on for 30 years now. And I know Frank would have liked that.

Favourite Trees: Black Mulberry
Favourite Trees: Walnut
Favourite Trees: Sequoia
Favourite Trees: Boundary Oak

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