occhi verdi

By occhiverdi

Toni & Guy

I got my hair dyed for the first time professionally and permanently today. In hindsight, I probably shouldn't have. I naturally have auburn/red hair and now I have no idea where the golden red is or where it's gone.. so I play around with different shades of red.
Today also began my loyalty to Toni & Guy at Barton Creek Mall. I loved Jenn from Arizona who cut my hair beautifully. She was very creative and I trusted her. And Bonnie, the best colorist I've ever been to. I would drive hours, when I moved away from Austin, just to get my hair done by those two. Jenn has gone back to Arizona now I hear and Bonnie came to visit me in Portland at the beginning of 2008 and I haven't spoken to her since. Did things end weirdly? It feels like it.
I guess this was a sign that I needed a change from how my life was going. And it was the spring of my renewal and redemption. I had been spirally downward with internal family drama and it showed in my relationship with my very recent ex-boyfriend. Thank God I have faith in my Creator.. I wouldn't have been able to come back from being crazy if I did not.
So.. cheers to second chances.

[Uploaded 30 January 2010]

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