Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Dirty knees

Oh it was all 'going on' down in the long grass on the common this morning! Buzzing, scraping, clicking and goodness knows what else was rubbing or beating bits and pieces of themselves together to make such a racket! With spiders dashing in and out of hiding places, inspecting this and that in their webs, while crickets jump hither and thither. Creepy crawlies of all manner and form sat motionless or pinged about all around me....this was better than any bloody TV reality show, Big Brother...pah! If you want action and drama get down to your local grassy common!

So with a wet bum and dirty knees I had a whale of a time this reminds me of when I was young...God! you could spends hours in the company of just dirt and some worms. Hehe I still love worms!

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