
By Augenweide

BBQ must be summer!

What a day! Went to the Farmer's Market on the Piazza with Emily where I tried an Ostrich Burger for the first time. It actually tasted a bit more like beef which was strange but wouldn't say no to another one. That was followed by an amazing Pulled Pork Bap because I'm greedy which was amazing!

Went back to Emily's for a bit and her flat decided to have a BBQ. Unfortunately we hadn't booked anything or bought any food for it. This meant the next few hours was a chaotic period of booking, buying and prepping food so that it was all ready in time. We really didn't hold back either: Homemade burgers a la Chandru, sausages, skewers, salad, a mountain of fried onions and a bucket full of cans. Also...1 guy and 10 lovely the dream really! From left to right we have: Zhenya, Emily, Nathalie, Ellie, Jen, Katie, Lily, Rosa, Olivia and Louise. Plus my shoes/drinks holder managed to make an appearance.

Well and truly stuffed after that. Great day and great company!

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