Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

Change of Scenery

Well, I am back in Sunny Dubai and it is HOT! 38degC at 11pm in the night when I landed. Whilst the UK is basking in the glorious summer they have had/are experiencing and not looking forward to the coming months, over here, we can't wait!

I noticed this morning that my entry for Thursday got posted to Friday as my collage was created after midnight and in my tiredness, I did not check the date! Hoping Blip Central will put it in the right place for me. I'm sorry I haven't been able to comment or reply to stars and hearts awarded for the Poppies. So kind and generous of you. THANK YOU! :)

... so I woke up around 10am (which would be 7am according to my body clock) having gone to bed around 3:30. The flat is looking great thanks to our cleaner Nara. Discovered that the aircon in Gs room is not working at all. Wonder what happened there. Anyway called the technician hoping he could come today as I'm off, but No...

I am unpacked and things have already found their homes. Decided to leave it till the cool of the evening to go out, but which ninny forgot to take their camera despite putting it on the table near the keys? Must be the heat... Anyway, I headed to our beauty spot - the Creek and stopped just to get a few photos.

This is the second one I took and I like it because the local lady with the kids walked into the frame and behind her are two men; one pretending he owns the yacht and the other taking his picture so he can send it home to impress the folk there. It has happened too often, that many a young girl has got sucked into this scam where a labourer sent home a picture of himself in front of a luxury car, or smart villa, saying it was his. She got married to find out it wasn't true. So, anyone reading this, you have been informed! :)

A small grocery shop and whizz round to favourite restaurant to get my food for the next few days evening meal and I am all sorted to go into work tomorrow. I guess all good things must come to an end. It's been one of the best summer holidays ever enhanced by the fact it never rained. Well, only in the night. Never mind I never got to try my brand new raincoat! :D

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