Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Toasty warm glow

Backblipped the last few days. I promise I will try harder.

I woke up this morning to a warm flat. It's the first time in the three months since we moved in! It made me very happy, especially as I had to be out of bed early ready for the loft insulation guy to come and give us a quote. Love our new little gadget for controling the boiler but I'm still trying to work out where we should put it and what temperature/time setting we need.

Have spent a lot of the day snoozing after two long days without the opportunity to nap but tomorrow will be more productive. Tomorrow I'm making The Boy begin repair work on his bike so I can use it (though I do need to search for a more comfortable saddle, any cyclist know any they can recommend?) whilst I will be busy putting away all the stuff that had to be emptied from cupboards for the boiler guys. Also beginning the "big clean" ready for The Boy's mother visiting. He doesn't seem too bothered, he says it's just like when my parents come to visit but I still feel we need to make a good impression.

Tonight I will be sitting by the phone waiting to hear if S and I got in for the thing we've been writing a proposal for.

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