Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Spot the ball

We spent half the evening Googling 'neutering dogs' and even 'chemical neutering' and 'temporary implants'. Seems there are pros and cons on all sides, and we'll have to make a decision quite soon. But another of his baby teeth fell out last night, so the vet declaring (two of) them a problem may have been talking through a hole in his hat.

We were up and out for our walk and back by 10am... Now that JR is up and out to work, Archie and I are ready for anything at 9am. Which means that after his snooze and brush up, we're a bit bored by 11 am and I have to invent games for him. I'd rather do that than go into town on a shopping errand...

I've put all his toys into a basket which he can now access - he used to be so wee that he'd half choke himself trying to reach in. He takes them all out one by one. Then I put them all back in.

He found a ball. We now do riotous games in the hallway. I bowl to the door. He runs in all directions, skidding crazily on the rugs, trying to catch it. Good fun. For me, anyway. Can you spot the ball?

And yes, our doors have rather a large space at the bottom. The previous owners ripped up the shagpile carpets of the old couple they bought it from, and they had obviously chopped the doors off to fit.

I have my hospital appointment. It's more imminent than I thought! Good ol' NHS.

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