My little things

I have a tíííny little flaw in my personality! 8~) ..... or more, dunno, not too sure!!

I luvvvvv miniatures of ánything!! Sometimes C comes back from town with something for me in a surprise packet!! Ooohhhhh, luvvvvvely!!!

These two miniature 'old fashioned canned fruit bottles', with rubber seals and wire contraptions to close them airtight in order for the 'preserves' to stay fresh was brought quite a while ago. Last weekend she came home with this mini stationery set, in pink, my favourite colour! The sellotape thingy works perfectly, nice and sharp!! The stapler is in perfect working order, and the pencil sharpener ís sharp, and fitted into a teeny waste bin! There is even a spare roll of sticky tape!!

I had to blip it with something to demonstrate the scale of the miniatures, ahha, then I remembered what happened today! This book is the ideal backdrop for my 'toys'!! ;-)

I went shopping this afternoon, had to get some toothpaste, tissues, shampoo, conditioner and my day cream for da face! Got to the till, had all of it rung up, overheard the cashier talking about 'the book' or something, not a hundred percent sure of what he's saying, I am not too fluent in Tswana, the language they used when they were talking to each other at that stage!

What a lovely surprise when they informed me I was to get this lovely, funny 626 page book, compliments of 'Eucerin', the manufacturers of my facial cream! What a wonderful gesture!!

I complained only a few days ago, when I commented on someones blip, that it is such a pity that I haven't received a Vallentine's gift for sóóóó many years, 'cause I am just simply nobody's valentine!! Hehehehe!!

Thank you Eucerin! What a lovely Valentine's gift, and an Irish author to top it all!! Coming from the northern hemisphere, where sóóó many of my Blipfriends are!!

Great stuff!! Life is booootiful!! :-)

Enjoy your weekend!!

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