An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Plans, Dreams & Pie in the Sky...


There's so much going on here at the moment that camera time really is non existent!

Alan is much brighter now that the steroids have started to kick in. Such a relief to see him with that twinkle back in his eye.

Lots of updating of lists today. It's quite satisfying scoring things off as done but a little frustrating when more tasks get added at the end. At the moment it seems for every job scored off, two are added! Ele's coming up tomorrow to give me a hand to get the house ready for Saturday, so that will make a big reduction in my stress levels tomorrow.

All of Alan's silly gifts that I ordered have arrived apart from one but that's ok. It will just have to be a wee extra.

Took a photo of the kitchen today as David has made an appointment with an architect to come to the house next Wednesday to discuss a major project that we're considering. It didn't involve the kitchen at the start but as ever, once you start making plans they grow arms and legs, and it's now looking likely that the kitchen will be affected.

Nothing will happen overnight but wanted to have a before photo of the kitchen (and this just happened to be where I was standing during the only moment the camera was in my hand today! :-))

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