Gillipaw's Journal

By Gillipaw

The Art of Cake Decoration

Our niece baked and decorated this impressive cake, as a Thank You to her sister for all the help she has given to her over the summer. Her sister heads back to the US soon, to continue her Theology studies. We enjoyed a delicious buffet meal with family, good to see our two little Great Nephews again.

What a day, up at 3.30 am to get #1 to the airport. He finished his packing just after midnight and has flown to Texas for a holiday. Good to know he arrived safely before we headed to bed. He is now six hours behind us.

So the boys are currently 13 hours time difference apart and we are somewhere in the middle. Communications could be tricky over the next while.

And for me to remember, I received the message "So that's that :)"

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