jeni and the beans

By themessymama

89/100 upside down

Today I was blessed with an afternoon off. My mother and father in law took the boys off my hands for the afternoon, and sent me off with a voucher for a free coffee and cake at a cafe. I spent five blissful hours in my own company with the cacophony of the restaurant washing over and around me, the noise becoming a cocoon sheltering me from the world. I rested, drew, crocheted, wrote, drank coffee, apple tea, and ate the biggest scone in the world (or so it seemed, so huge that I managed to under-dose the insulin for it) while the boys played with Lego and went out for bike rides with their grandparents.

Very much needed that.


This upsidedownness from the boys seemed to be a perfect way to end the day, that and the wheelbarrow races they did after racing to get their pyjamas on!

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