
By Cygnus

A day of rest

I really appreciate the weekend now that I am back to work again - and it has only been 3 days! The Ards Man has been the active one today, sailing merrily up and down Belfast Lough, while I have had a quiet day at home. I have travelled no further than the garden, to blip these elegant agapanthus flowers. They look really lovely against the green shrubbery and this year there are loads of flowers!

We had a good evening catching up with G and S, our sailing buddies, last night. As they are gentle, long-suffering souls I tried out a couple of new culinary disasters delights on them. I am happy to report that the Prosecco/lemon sorbet 'float' was a hit! It was very frothy. S said it reminded her of Cremola Foam - does anyone remember that? I served it in a little glass dish that looked a bit like a champagne saucer, so it was no problem to do a 'bottoms up' to drink the Prosecco once the sorbet was gone :)

Also made a new appetiser, concocted by cutting little round bell peppers and goats' cheese balls in half and then skewering them together with half of each one, all wrapped up in a basil leaf. They were tasty, if a tad hot! The piece de resistance was a chocolate cardamom tart and I even made the chocolate pastry! First time ever!

So I feel quite justified in chillin' today. Domestic Goddess status intact.

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